“下午好啊,玛格丽特小姐”(Good afternoon, Miss Margaret)迈克洛夫特见到玛格丽特明显心情提高了不少立刻露出微笑。
( What are you doing here for?)
“啊……”(Oh)迈克洛夫特见到玛格丽特后脑袋有点发懵,本来是借着找夏洛克的机会来看看她没想到先见到的是她。“……我来找夏洛克”(... I'm here to find Sherlock)于是迈克洛夫特慌忙的答到。
“真是遗憾你来的不是时候”玛格丽特边进屋边答到。(It's a pity that you didn't come at the right time)
迈克洛夫特挑眉跟着玛格丽特进屋“他去干什么了?”(What did he do)他下意识问道说完了才想起他早就知道了这么说会不会显得他有点蠢?于是改口“海蒂夫人的去向又有新方向所以去找雷斯垂德了对吗。”(Mrs. Heidi's direction has changed again, so he went to find Lestride, right.)
玛格丽特边上楼边微笑答到“是的,今天本来我要和夏洛克和雷斯垂德他们一起去的但我更想去看看附近新开的披萨店”(Yes, I was supposed to go with Sherlock and Lestride today, but I would rather go see the newly opened pizza shop nearby)说完无奈的摆摆手“可惜不知道为什么他们家今天没开门”
(Unfortunately, Idon'tknowwhytheirstoredidn't open today )
麦克洛夫特默默跟在玛格丽特身后“那真是可惜……”(That's really a pity……)又像想到什么地再次开口“下次那家店开门我们……和夏洛克一起去吧。”
(Next time that store opens, let's go with Sherlock.)
“当然可以,等有机会”(Of course, I can wait for the opportunity)二人来到楼上坐下。
(If Mrs. Hudson is not here today, there won't be much to entertain.)
( I'll leave right away if it's okay... wait until next time! I'll come back when Sherlock is here)