拉丁语:Ea rēs est Helvētiīs ēnūntiāta. Mōribus suīs Orgetorīgem ex vinculīs causam dīcere coēgērunt; oportēbat eum damnātum igne cremārī.
Diē cōnstitūtā Orgetorīx ad iūdicium omnem suam familiam, ad hominum mīlia decem, undique coēgit, et omnēs clientēs obaerātōsque suōs, quōrum magnum numerum habēbat, eōdem condūxit; per eōs, nē causam dīceret, sēēripuit. Cum cīvitās ob eam rem incitāta armīs iūs suum exsequī cōnārētur, multitūdinemque homnium ex agrīs magistrātūs cōgerent, Orgetorīx mortuus est. Helvētiī autem arbitrantur ipsum sē interfēcisse.
英语:This matter was announced to the Helvetians. They compelled Orgetorix to plead his case from chains in accordance with their customs; having been condemned it was necessary for him to be burned.
When the day had been decided, Orgetorix collected for his trial all of his household, around ten thousand people from all sides, and led together to the same place all of his clients and debtors, of whom he had a great number; through them, lest he plead his case, he removed himself. When the state, having been incited because of these things, tried to pursue its justice by arms, and the magistrates collected a multitude of people from the fields, Orgetorix died. However the Helvetians thought he killed himself.
第4章 1.4