在所有都铎君主中,Henry VIII无疑是出了名的疯狂。两度离婚,两度杀妻,即使是在那个时代也是惊世骇俗。在他的六个妻子中,给人留下印象最深的是第二任Ann Boleyn。
在Henry VIII依然爱着Ann Boleyn的时候,她就是一切美丽和诱惑的化身。美剧《都铎王朝》中有一幕Ann在透过窗子的阳光中看书,整个身上都闪着阳光的泛金色。可惜Ann费尽心机登上王后宝座之后却不知收敛。从一开始的纯粹诱惑到最终陷入,Ann便注定了此生的悲剧。有一幕Ann发现自己再次怀孕,她身穿王后的金色服饰,得意地向父亲夸耀自己的得胜筹码。那一刻她神采飞扬,仿佛世上一切难事都迎刃而解。只是万万没有料到国王之后的负心绝情。这位权倾一时的英国王后,所有荣华不过成为过眼云烟。当她在断头台前凄凉回顾自己一生之时,下一位王后Jane正在满心欢喜的等待着国王的到来。
Gossip Girl Season 2的Queen B 在提点小J时特地对Ann的故事发表了一番邪恶宣言。
You need to be cold to be queen.
Anne Boleyn thought only with her heart,
and she got her head chopped off,
So her daughter Elizabeth made a vow never to marry a man.
She married her country.
Forget boys.
Keep your eye on the prize, Jenny Humphrey.
Jenny Humphrey。
You can\'t make people love you,
But you can make them fear you.
For what it\'s worth,
You\'re my queen
I choose you.
1 The Constant Priness (Katherine of Aragon)
2 The Other Boleyn Girl (Mary and Anne Boleyn)
3 The Wise Woman (A young girl fored out of her nunnery and into the real world during the reformation during Anne Boleyn\'s time of being queen)
4 The Boleyn Inheritane (Jane Boleyn, Anne of leves and Katherine Howard)
5 The Queen\'s Fool (A young Jewish girl\'s story of her servie in the ourt of Edward VI, Mary I and Elizabeth I)
6 The Virgin’s Lover (Elizabeth I, Robert Dudley and Amy Robsart)
7 The Other Queen (Mary, Queen of Sots, George Talbot and Bess of Hardwik)
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